Lauren Gill Skin Specialist COVID-19 Policy

lg skin covid policy
Due to the 2019-2020 outbreak of the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, I am taking extra precautions with the intake of each client, health history review, as well as sanitation and disinfecting practices.

Please arrive alone to your treatment as I am only permitted to have one person in the treatment room at any one time, please arrive on time for your appointment as there will no where inside for you to wait. I have allocated extra time for room and equipment disinfection and I have limited the amount of appointments available each day as guided by the industry governing bodies.

After each client I am changing the covers on the couches, disinfecting all product bottles I have touched, wiping down all surfaces and handles. I am using Bactericidal, Yeasticidal, Virucidal and Fungicidal sanitisers for all surfaces and equipment, all metal tools are being sterilised between clients in an autoclave. I will be wearing gloves, mask, shield and disposal aprons and will wear fresh PPE for each appointment, minimising the risk of cross contamination. 

A medical grade fogging machine will also be used twice a day throughout the clinic and treatment rooms to ensure all areas are completely sanitised and safe.

Prior to your appointment I will send you a COVID-19 Health Questionnaire, please complete the form and email me your completed copy 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. 

If on the day of your appointment you or any of your household are symptomatic, no matter how small the symptom, please call to reschedule your appointment. 

I reserve the right to refuse treatment if I think you are unwell.
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